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The point of developing new products is to address problems that aren’t currently being solved. It focuses on what users need, so it’s good design practice to work with the users to figure that stuff out. This echoes what I talked about in a previous blog article: the importance of working with customers, not for them.
Teamwork is important to any team, anywhere, and it’s no different for us designers at RM. Working with our colleagues all over the business is vital, but the magic happens when we start solving problems with our customers, not for them.
RM Studio designer Rob Brewer breaks down the design thinking process his team follow at RM for product, user experience (UX) and service design.
It’s holiday season. Not in an American Christmas sense, but in a British, go to Spain and turn the colour of a lobster kind of sense. I was recently talking to a colleague about our respective partners being the chief holiday organiser and how they take it very seriously with an in-depth, thorough review of a range of hotels. I am definitely not that person, when it comes to holidays anyway. But it got me thinking about the way humans make decisions, and the idea that people fall into two categories: maximisers and satisficers.
I’m Rob Brewer and I’m a product designer in RM’s innovation team – RM Studio. I’ve been a designer (service and product) for 6 years and I’ve worked in finance, health tech and now education. Oh and another thing, I’m kind of a big fan of movies. That may or may not become apparent as you read on.