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Assessment Blog

27th September 2022 | Research 

The shift to digital assessment: who wins and who loses out?

The pandemic has been a catalyst for change throughout the world. Within the education space, it has caused disruption to traditional methods and for many, encouraged a shift towards online learning and assessment for continuity of learning in such unprecedented times. Although there is progress towards digital technologies as organisations modernise and become more efficient; any further progress requires identifying key ‘wins’ for those considering transforming their assessment process.

15th August 2022 | Research 

Is digital assessment here to stay? Discover the key drivers and barriers

Since the start of the pandemic, digital transformation has accelerated across each and every sector. Education hasn't been immune, especially when it comes to assessment. But the rate at which it's been embraced varies wildly - while some countries have already begun digital assessment pilots, others are still embracing a paper-based approach.

29th June 2022 | Research 

New research exploring the evolution, benefits, and challenges of digital assessment

Following more than two years of pandemic-induced disruption, exam halls are once again filled with learners. Yet, things are undoubtedly a little different – with the pandemic fast-tracking the digital transformation of assessment methods to provide continuity during the height of disruption now posing the question: what else can it do?

20th June 2022 | Research 

How important is research in shaping the future of assessment?

At RM, we believe innovation in assessment can transform educational outcomes. For innovation to become reality, we look to quality research as the foundation on which we build. As we build, research continues to underpin our design thinking. Market intelligence and customer partnerships allow for in-depth user research, that enables tailored digital solutions that meet the changing needs of both our customers and the market.

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