COVID brought the whole world together and, for a time, levelled the playing field because we all faced the same challenges. For some the weight of the challenge has ultimately slowed progress, and for others it has accelerated it. However, the impact of the global pandemic has shown a collective will to build on our shared experience and improve the world around us.
As we look to the future, quality education is imperative to a prosperous, progressive, and healthy society. Everyone deserves a quality education, but what does ‘quality’ mean in the 21st century, and how do we deliver it? How do we overcome issues of inclusion and equity? Can we use COVID as a positive catalyst for change?
The truth is, we don’t have all the answers yet, but we do have experience from around the world that may help to stimulate the conversation.
This July, we are hosting a webinar that looks at how organisations are adopting technical solutions to positively effect educational outcomes.
As an organisation that has nearly 50 years of experience in education technology, we are passionate about innovation. We believe that technology, delivered in the right way, can act as a great leveller. Together with our partners, we continue to find new innovative and creative ways to apply technology, creating realistic solutions that make a difference.
Join us, to discuss new approaches to assessment coming from around the world and how we might build on their success.