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Assessment Blog

14th June 2024 | Digital assessment

How do accrediting organisations successfully implement technological change in schools?

Lisa Holloway

How do accrediting organisations successfully implement technological change in schools?

Schools’ engagement with digital assessment and the transformation of the future of qualifications is underway.

In October 2023, it was announced that pupils in England could sit some of their GCSE exams digitally within the next few years, under proposals from the exam board AQA. Their aim is that by 2030, at least one major subject will be partly sat digitally in England 1. Some of our global customers are ahead of this, implementing a hybrid paper and digital model within the next few years. Across Europe we are working closely with organisations to use digital in formative assessment to ease the transition for learners and teachers alike.

According to independent research carried out on behalf of RM Assessment, 68% of learners agreed that digital assessments can better prepare one for working in an increasingly digital world.

In this new publication from RM Ian Castledine, RM Assessment’s Head of Propositions, puts 30 years experience of in implementing technology change into a practical guide: 



Launch of RM Assessment’s Guide: Encouraging the adoption of digital assessment in schools

Digital is happening, digital is now and it’s moving at such a rate it’s important for us to work together for the success of our learners. As a leader in your organisation, you’re aware that you need to stay ahead of the changes and to plan how you can support your teachers with the implementation. Digital offers us an exciting future.

Whilst organisations will be at different stages on their journey to digital assessment, RM Assessment has produced a guide for those who are really thinking about going digital, to help them to build confidence and lay successful foundations. In the guide, Ian Castledine, Head of Proposition at RM Assessment, discusses how digital opens doors to work-ready testing, which aligns perfectly to the AQA poll where 68% of young people surveyed agreed digital exams would be better preparation for future work, education or training.

Ian shares almost 30 years of experience in implementing technological change successfully so you can:

  • Overcome barriers to technological change
  • Effectively communicate, with techniques to build trust and engagement
  • Break down the implementation process into manageable goals
  • Access the support that may be required along the way

It includes real-world case studies around successful implementations and actions you can put into practice immediately.

How do you successfully implement this technological change?

Download RM Assessment’s Guide: Encouraging the adoption of digital assessment in schools to find out more.

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