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Assessment Blog

22nd May 2024 | Online assessment Customer Remote proctoring Rm Digital assessment E-marking Future of assessment Customer service 

How the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is creating truly global solutions for digital assessment

2nd August 2021 | Insider Remote proctoring 

Remote proctoring: opportunity in a digitally connected world

Remote proctoring or remote invigilation has grown vastly in profile over the Covid-19 pandemic, as education providers, mostly in higher education and professional qualifications, scrambled to keep the examination wheels turning. It is an obvious, and perhaps inevitable, extension of the growing trend towards online and blended learning, and experts believe it is here to stay. The market is forecast to grow 18.1% over the next few years, to reach a global market size of $661.4m by 2025 compared to $340.2m in 2019, according to Market Study Report.

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