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Assessment Blog

22nd May 2024 | Online assessment Customer Remote proctoring Rm Digital assessment E-marking Future of assessment Customer service 

How the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is creating truly global solutions for digital assessment

9th May 2023 | E-marking 

How to select an e-marking supplier: 7 key questions to ask

Selecting the right e-marking provider for your organisation is a big decision – so how can you ensure a best fit for now and for the future? This blog explores 7 key questions to ask to help you discover whether their vision and values align with yours to ensure you can grow together.

21st March 2023 | E-marking 

Dispelling the myths around e-marking

Many awarding organisations and Ministries of Education are grappling with how to transition from paper-based marking to e-marking. Even though the use of e-marking is expanding at pace, being already used to mark the majority of school leaver exams in the UK, Ireland, New Zealand and Slovenia, there are still lots of misconceptions around it. In this article we have dispelled the most common myths surrounding e-marking.

23rd February 2023 | E-marking 

The top 10 benefits of e-marking

Considering making the change from paper-based marking to digital can seem like a daunting prospect. Overhauling the way your organisation marks exams requires change to your processes, examiner recruitment and training and exam sessions but change that brings benefits. So is it worth the disruption to implement e-marking and what could it mean for you and your organisation?

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