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Assessment Blog

3rd September 2019

Capitalising on the changing skills market within the workplace

The UK is in the midst of a skills crisis. Many organisations are grappling to remain competitive with diminishing productivity and are struggling to seize opportunities that could help to drive growth and profit.

26th August 2019

Moving to e-learning can help you achieve your strategic objectives

Many awarding organisations and educational institutions are already offering online learning, with advocates quick to highlight how new technology can enable students to learn in innovative and exciting ways.

7th March 2019

Blazing a trail in edtech this International Women’s Day

There are many inspirational colleagues at RM Results and we love to shine a light on them. For International Women’s Day I caught up with Deborah Hutt and Sam Jones.

22nd January 2019

Bridging the gap between learning and assessment in the digital age

Do students want to switch to digital exams? Do teachers? What are the barriers to change, and when and how should e-assessment be introduced?

5th January 2019

Why technology is central to making e-marking fit for the future

Demand for 21st century skills, from critical thinking to collaboration, is driving e-marking and education reform across the globe.

4th December 2018

The keyboard is mightier than the pen – the future of e-assessment

The words “the pen is mightier than the sword” were first written 175 years ago by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, in a play he wrote called ‘Cardinal Richelieu’. The protagonist, Richelieu, thinking about a battle against another country says “The pen is mightier than the sword… Take away the sword; States can be saved without it!’

20th November 2018

Why do we tolerate human over machine error?

Making errors is an integral part of the way we humans live. When we first learn to walk, we are constantly falling down. Many believe that you cannot learn without making an error or two along the way.

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