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Assessment Blog

16th September 2020 | Insider 

How e-marking is revolutionising exam security

Exam security is a key priority for awarding organisations, with continuous work undertaken to clamp down on opportunities for cheating, malpractice, bias or grade interference during the assessment process. However, the administration of exam papers and completed scripts presents a number of vulnerabilities.

13th August 2020

Using Peer Assessment to deliver impactful online learning experiences

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I understand". This ancient Chinese proverb remains the truest principle of the process of learning. While we see this doctrine in practice across many areas of the education system, there is one huge element where it is often notably missing: assessment.

26th March 2020

Remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has caused mass disruption, with schools and universities shutting their doors worldwide. We do not know how long this will last, but we do know that education cannot simply stop. Over the recent weeks and months, educational institutions around the world have been turning to remote teaching and learning.

6th March 2020

The future of formative assessment

Formative assessment is one area where schools, colleges and universities have the ability and autonomy to use an increasing number of digital tools to improve their assessment and feedback processes to improve learning and attainment.

4th February 2020

E-marking and the future of assessment (inc. artificial intelligence)

We are at a critical point in the development of education – the current education system faces the challenge of keeping up with the development of technology and preparing students for jobs of the future that may not even exist yet. Take a look into the future.

14th January 2020

Assessment in the fourth industrial revolution

As a society, we have already embarked on what is known as the 'fourth industrial revolution'. Few industries remain untouched by the advent of new technologies, yet the pace of change has varied considerably within each. Where does assessment sit within this, and what can we learn from those ahead of us?

21st November 2019

How technology is transforming the exam marking experience

New technologies are shaping and reshaping our habits and working practices very rapidly. In a world of touch screen devices, instantaneous digital communication and agile working, examiners expect emarking systems to offer them the flexibility of touch gestures and the option to choose their working hours and location.

15th November 2019

Is a dual education system the answer to closing the skills gap?

Following in the footsteps of countries with well-established dual education systems, England has embarked on a process to create its own much more clearly defined dual education pathway.

30th October 2019

The science behind Adaptive Comparative Judgement

How does Adaptive Comparative Judgement work? Is the process of comparing pairs of student work more effective than marking each piece of work individually? If so, what is the scientific evidence to support this?

9th October 2019

The human vs. machine debate in assessment marking

It is fascinating to observe how media coverage and public opinion of education technology have evolved over the years. A recent article on the tech website Motherboard is a great example of how the discourse has moved on.

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