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Assessment Blog

7th December 2022 | Digital assessment 

What role will digital assessment play in the future of assessment in England’s secondary schools?

Following Ofqual’s announcement of a three-year plan to explore the use of innovative technology in the English exam system earlier this year, there has been some discussion within the assessment sector as to what the future might look like. The Westminster Education Forum held a conference on Wednesday 23rd November to explore just that – the future of assessment in England’s secondary schools. RM’s Head of Propositions for Assessment, Ian Castledine, joined the panel and delivered a keynote speech.

10th November 2022 | Digital assessment 

Protecting the integrity of assessment in a changing world

When examining the digital assessment landscape in light of the pandemic, we can see that different approaches are needed across institutions, systems, regions and countries. One shared challenge in assessment is the susceptibility to exam malpractice. In November, we are hosting a webinar that opens this conversation up and explores how digital techniques can be adopted to address instances of exam malpractice, to improve the overall security and integrity of assessments.

8th November 2022 | Digital assessment 

How can digital assessment benefit awarding organisations?

RM recently undertook research into the evolution, benefits, and challenges of digital assessment for high-stakes examinations around the world. The findings describe a mixed picture. Some countries and sectors have reverted to more traditional methods of assessment after the changes imposed by the pandemic. Others are keen to push further with the perhaps unexpected benefits brought by the forced adoption of a more digital approach.

28th October 2022 | Digital assessment 

3 ways digital assessment can revolutionise the university student journey

Like many sectors, education has found itself undergoing digital transformation at pace during the global pandemic to continue providing effective learning and assessment for students. The higher education sector is now looking at flexing and adapting the delivery of content, as well as the engagement and management of students. With a learner-centric culture prevailing, and student retention remaining key across universities, we wanted to look at how exactly digital assessment is changing the learning journey of a university student.

14th October 2022 | Digital assessment 

What are the benefits of digital assessment for professional associations?

New and emerging technologies have changed the face of many professions over the years. From the introduction of computers and calculators in the 20th century, to the developments we are seeing now such as AI, big data, cloud computing as well as mobile and social collaboration, professional working practices are continually being reshaped. As ‘digital by default’ becomes the norm in many sectors, professional associations are working to make sure their qualifications suitably prepare their students for the reality of the profession they will be entering.

8th September 2022 | Digital assessment 

Is digital assessment braced to drive UK exams in a new direction?

Following more than two years of COVID-induced hiatus, and the rein of seven secretaries of state over the past six years, educators will be hoping for a more positive academic year this year. But there’s more that Britain’s education system can do to guarantee success beyond simply hoping for a steadier hand on the rudder.

7th September 2022 | Digital assessment 

How can digital assessment tackle inclusion and provide quality education for all?

The COVID-19 pandemic had a huge impact on education systems across the globe. For some, the shift to digital assessment proved to be a leveller in putting all learners on equal footing. For others, it widened the divide between pupils' attainment, making it harder for some students to succeed. Earlier this year, we conducted a study that investigated the international digital assessment landscape, specifically looking at how attitudes towards the adoption of digital technologies has changed as we return to a post-pandemic world.

24th August 2022 | Digital assessment 

A-Z of digital assessment: A glossary of terms

We’ve put together a glossary of terms that you will likely come across whether you’re just starting to get to grips with online assessment or you’ve already adopted digital assessment tools and are looking to stay abreast of industry trends. This list will be a live resource at your disposal, that we will update as and when new terms emerge.

4th August 2022 | Digital assessment 

Five questions to ask when choosing a digital assessment partner

Whether you are looking to take your first step on your journey towards digital assessment, or you have already implemented assessment technology and are considering switching to a new platform, selecting a digital assessment partner is a complex decision. We've compiled five key questions to ask digital assessment providers to help make sure you find the right fit for your organisation.

5th July 2022 | Digital assessment 

Transforming assessment in a changing world

COVID brought the whole world together and, for a time, levelled the playing field because we all faced the same challenges. For some the weight of the challenge has ultimately slowed progress, and for others it has accelerated it. However, the impact of the global pandemic has shown a collective will to build on our shared experience and improve the world around us.

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