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Assessment Blog

30th May 2023 | Online assessment 

Are open-book exams more suited to the future of assessment?

Open-book exams are being adopted more widely as a result of a shift towards evaluating softer skills and work-ready capabilities. This blog explores the approach in more depth and how it might shape assessment going forwards.

23rd May 2023 | Comparative judgement 

Comparative Judgement as a viable alternative to marking: award or disregard?

Applying comparative judgement in assessment has been historically hindered by an inability to scale effectively. This blog explores comparative judgement on-demand - a new approach that empowers learners and markers and streamlines the assessment process at scale.

16th May 2023 | Customer service 

What digital assessment software support can you expect from RM?

We’re always looking for the best way to support our end users from start to finish, and evolve our service delivery to grow with your needs. This blog explores some of the ways we bring value to organisations through quality support of markers, students and administrators.

9th May 2023 | E-marking 

How to select an e-marking supplier: 7 key questions to ask

Selecting the right e-marking provider for your organisation is a big decision – so how can you ensure a best fit for now and for the future? This blog explores 7 key questions to ask to help you discover whether their vision and values align with yours to ensure you can grow together.

25th April 2023 | Future of assessment 

How might assessment evolve to better equip the learners of today for tomorrow?

As technology and the needs of the modern workforce evolve, we look to reimagine approaches to assessment to better equip individuals with the skills needed for success. This blog explores some of the emerging changes in assessment and how embracing the right digital tools can support personalised learning experiences for everyone.

18th April 2023 | Innovation Customer 

How Adaptive Comparative Judgement enabled finance candidates to be assessed through real-world simulation

Corporate finance is a multidisciplinary domain requiring complex skills and competencies - so how can we assess these authentically? This blog explores a collaboration with Amplify Trading that uses adaptive comparative judgement in a peer assessment format to assess candidates' ability to present complex conclusions in actionable ways.

4th April 2023 | Innovation Customer 

Using Adaptive Comparative Judgement as a reliable way to assess oracy at scale

Oracy education is a powerful tool for learning. Despite its widely recognised importance, its assessment has been challenging. This blog explores a joint project with the UK's leading oracy education charity, Voice 21, on the use of comparative judgement as a reliable way to assess oracy at scale.

21st March 2023 | E-marking 

Dispelling the myths around e-marking

Many awarding organisations and Ministries of Education are grappling with how to transition from paper-based marking to e-marking. Even though the use of e-marking is expanding at pace, being already used to mark the majority of school leaver exams in the UK, Ireland, New Zealand and Slovenia, there are still lots of misconceptions around it. In this article we have dispelled the most common myths surrounding e-marking.

15th March 2023 | Future of assessment 

From assessment design to delivery, how can technology empower accessibility for all?

As we strive to improve assessment processes with the use of technology, we must ensure that accessibility for all is first in line. This blog explores how the design and delivery of digital assessment can ensure all candidates have equal opportunities to demonstrate their potential.

2nd March 2023 | Future of assessment 

Reimagining the way we assess to reflect the modern workforce

As the needs of the modern workforce evolve, we are seeing a shift from knowledge-based learning to developing work-ready learners with practical skills. This blog explores some of the key reasons for this shift, what it could mean for the future of education, and the need to develop more authentic assessments in line with this change.

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